These are set dates with regular attendance required. Open to those with Shadow Yoga experience. More information in course description
Tues 7-8.15am Asana Angahara
April 1 - May 27 (except May 13)
8 weeks/£100 - Karen
St James’ Hall Islington N1 8PF
This course will focus on asana angahara (arrangements) using either the linear or circular form of the third prelude of Shadow Yoga, Kartikkeya Mandalam. It is open to those with experience of this prelude.
Wed 6.15-7.15pmNrtta Sadhana
March 5 - 19 @ 3 weeks /£35 - Karen
Skylight 49 Corsica Street N5 1JT
This class is also open to drop in attendance for those with experience of the Eight Palms @ £13 single class